Shraman Kar

Computer Science Student at Stanford University

I am Shraman, an undergrad at Stanford studying Computer Science and the founder of Community AI, an organization to unleash AI for social good. We help students to learn and build projects for the community and the environment using AI. 

I am also a research intern at the Harvard Medical School (PORTAL Group) under Dr. Sean Tu and Dr. Andrew Kelmenson, where I am building models for foundation models predicting patent validity, identifying potential overlaps, and assessing infringement risks for pharmaceutical patents. In addition, I have built various projects to use AI to better the community & the environment AI-powered system that has redistributed over 15,000 pounds of food to tackle food insecurity, and "EduJoy," an AI-based tool to create customized, engaging educational content.

Please reach out to me at!

Member of Team USA in the International Olympiad in AI to be held in Bulgaria in August 2024

Clubs and Organizations that I run as a leader or am associated with

Some of the research projects that I have been working on.

TV/Newspaper Coverage of my work.

Some awards and honors I received for my work

My Open Source Code and AI models
